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Ubik Hallway_2023_Digital Illustration_29.7 x 42 cm.png


 This is a compilation of my best work when it comes to Digital Paintings. Some come together, some work better as individual bits, some come from thoughtful and introspective places, and some come from momentary emotions. Either way, They are all me. 

 For better image quality They're displayed in the "Gallery" section of the website.


Ubik Window

 This piece starts what I call the "Ubik series". Inspired by the famous Phillip K. Dick novel by the same name, these digital paintings take the viewer through the cold world of Ubik, a desolate and mysterious dreamscape. 

 The World of Ubik is inhabited only by an everlasting, ubiquitous force that molds its terrain into familiar locations. This piece offers us a window into this plane.

Ubik Hallway

 As a continuation of the Ubik series, Ubik hallway is the transitional space often overlooked. The focus of this piece lies heavily on contrast, where light and shadows play an important role. 


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Ubik Stairs_2023_Digital Illustration_29.7 x 42 cm.png

Ubik Stairs

 Ubik Stairs focuses on disorientation and confusion. different paths are shown to the viewer with no clear distinction. The only way to navigate Ubik is through intuition.


Ubik Curtain

 I've always had an elusive childhood memory I'm not sure actually happened. I vividly remember visiting a parent's friend's house and staying in their kid's room (who was older than me) while they took care of me. I was playing with toys on the ground and the sunshine was beaming through the curtains. It's a very uneventful memory that has cemented itself into my brain, yet I can't recall anything other than that, nor do my parents have any idea if it happened or if it was just a dream I confused with a memory. That unexplainable nostalgia for the mundane we all have inside of us somewhere. I believe it to be a powerful feeling, so I recreated it inside of Ubik.


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Ubik Phantom

 Borrowing from the Tarot card "The Moon", I like to envision the subconscious as an ocean, getting harder to navigate the lower you dive into it. Within that line of thought, a creature from the deep depths of the midnight zone is a being that has fully integrated itself with the strangest and most obscure aspects of oneself. My muse for this particular piece was the Phantom Jellyfish, one of my favorite invertebrates. 



Ubik Tower

Ubik tower is the initial half of a 2-part piece with a focus on perspective. Having thoroughly explored what I believe to be the potential in the Ubik idea, I decided to finalize this collection with something that highlighted a journey, from the bottom to the peak of a mountain, showcasing how far we've come. 



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Ubik Vista

Ubik Vista is the last piece of the Ubik collection. Having reached the top, we get to look down on all of the strange places we traversed to get here. This collection as a whole is very important to me, as I felt like exploring the Ubik space was like exploring my own inner world. I thought a fitting end would be a piece that celebrated the trajectory thus far and emphasized how, from the right angle, everything else can be simple and manageable.


Party Blue

 Party Blue was a transitional piece as I moved away from the now finalized Ubik collection. Old habits die hard I suppose, so this Illustrations still carries with it the DNA of Ubik, which had almost fully integrated into my style at this point. This illustration is the result of me trying to capture a feeling of alienation and strangeness in a new social environment. The denizens of this place all have things in common and relate to one another, but we are left out.


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Fractal Hive

 This piece was especially made for an exhibition at Fox Yard Studio in 2024. Following the theme "Fractions", I got inspired to try and create a landscape composed of fractal spirals. The hive in question is where all of the spirals eventually meet, an endless cornucopia within itself.



 After University was over I travelled quite a bit, to see friends, to see family and to move. It was a strange transitional period where I wasn't quite sure what was gonna come next. I've always felt purple was a color of transformation, so I decided to paint the view I would often get on plane windows with this color.


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This one is particularly nostalgic to me. The beaches I used to go to as a kid in Brazil had some lovely dunes, and during sunset hours when the beach was a little more empty you could get some beautiful views like these.



This particular piece was heavily inspired by Tarot cards. I've always had a fascination by hoe the cards "The Lovers" and "The Devil" share similarities, both portraying the positive and negative sides of a relationship, from genuine love and understanding to codependence and obsession. In my version, I pulled elements from both cards, which can be interpreted in whichever way the reader sees their own relationships. I made the usual masculine and feminine figures ambiguously gendered as well, and lacking their usual elements. This is to break away from traditional roles and demonstrate both sides can hold any number of characteristics.


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